I Learned the Different Ways an Inner Guide Can Be Helpful
In the last post, Part 1, I described how I acquired my Inner Guide. And I explained that I didn't fully understand what an Inner Guide was, how I was able to bring it into existence, or how it functions. Before I explain these things, I would like to describe the various ways that an Inner Guide can be helpful.
Although it can respond to questions with wise answers, it can do much more. Through a mechanism I'll explain later, it learns all of one's discomforts and problems and is dedicated to eliminating them. Its goal is to bring one complete emotional comfort.
It Can End Our Uncomfortable Feelings
Often, we are well aware of painful feelings such as fear, anxiety, sadness, depression, irritation, anger, guilt, or shame. But sometimes, we assume that a painful feeling is just a part of life, a "given," and we don't think of it as something that could be eliminated. An Inner Guide is aware of all of our uncomfortable feelings, including the givens. It works to gradually eliminate all of them, and as it does so, we become increasingly emotionally comfortable.
It Can Eliminate Unhelpful Habits
Overeating, overspending, avoiding exercise, overuse of social media, rumination, and procrastinating are a few of the unhelpful habits that many people have. And here, too, a person might not even think of a certain activity as an unhelpful habit. An Inner Guide works to gradually eliminate these habits without causing a feeling of deprivation; rather, a person feels liberated from the unhelpful habit that no longer burdens them.
It Can End Problematic Character Traits
Some of these character traits, such as shyness, are felt as painful. Many others, such as perfectionism, compulsivity, and lack of assertiveness are experienced as ego-syntonic; that is, just as with certain uncomfortable feelings and unhelpful habits, they are not recognized as problematic. But as the Inner Guide gradually replaces them with healthy habits, they feel a lightness, as the burden that these traits had caused is lifted.
Subliminal Perceptions
An Inner Guide also registers all of your subliminal perceptions. Looking inward, it's aware of what's going on in your body. For instance, if you're coming down with an illness your Inner Guide will be aware of it well before you are and it will influence you to do what you can to deal with it: for instance, going to bed earlier, skipping exercise and, if necessary, calling your doctor.
It can also perceive external dangers that you wouldn't notice. For instance, if you're going into a dark parking lot at night and there's a little movement over in the corner that you don't notice, your Inner Guide will see it and will influence you to leave or do whatever you need to, to stay safe.
How Does an Inner Guide Do All This?
I'll explain all this later. But if you're like me, you'll be eager to know how you can acquire your own Inner Guide. So next time, I'll begin with the description of how you can do that.
If you would like to start even sooner to acquire your own Inner Guide, you can do so with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse