For Your Many Problems
Hello. I'm Judith Davis and I have a solution that will help teachers navigate the current challenges they often experience in the teaching profession. First, lets define the problems. While these problems are not universally true, they are true in many school districts.
Salary: Teachers are professionals with college and often multiple additional degrees. They deserve a salary that will enable them to live comfortably in the communities in which they teach. Yet in many parts of the country, their salaries are ridiculously low; so low that they have to take additional jobs to make ends meet and live in more affordable communities that are long commutes away from the schools in which they teach. They have to pay for classroom supplies from their own funds, which is wrong.
Autonomy: Teachers used to teach the way they thought was best. Now they are told what and how to teach, what tests to give, and when, and these guidelines often change abruptly so that they don't even have time to learn the new protocols before they are expected to use them.
Time: Due to the shortage of teachers, they now have larger and more classes, often with no time for lunch or restroom breaks, and they have much more paperwork to do than in the past. They also have to fulfill additional roles such as guidance counselor, nurse, and social worker because due to budget cuts, these positions are not adequately filled.
Unruly Students: During COVID, when students couldn't come to school, many often had insufficient supervision at home due to their parents' need to work. They fell behind not only academically but also in their socialization. They returned to school with bad behavior, which adds to the problem of disrespect.
Lack of Respect: Many teachers feel that nobody, not parents, students, administration, or the public at large appreciates the skill and dedication that they bring to their work. Parents complain to teachers, and often, administration sides with the parent rather than the teacher.
How Can I Help?
In my view, the entire educational bureaucracy needs to be overhauled. In many areas, teachers are now going on strike not only for better compensation but for other needed changes as well. This is a beginning. But can you imagine a system in which none of the above problems exist? Will it ever be possible to achieve this?
The Inner Guide
For those of you who haven't already heard about this, it's possible to create a new mental pathway in your mind that has special powers to help you end discomforts and solve problems. I call it an Inner Guide. While this may sound like magic, it is based on sound scientific principles.
An Inner Guide pathway works gradually, silently, out of awareness, to bring you not only the results you want but additional solutions to problems that you haven't recognized as things that can be changed. (How it does all this is described in my book, Emotional Comfort, but you don't need to know the theory in order for this to work for you.)
It is necessary to learn how to do self-hypnosis (which is identical to certain forms of meditation) and to practice it regularly, in order for your Inner Guide to help you because it does its work while you are in the self-hypnotic state. While the Inner Guide's work takes time to achieve the result you want, each time you do self-hypnosis, you experience a feeling of peacefulness and calm, and you emerge feeling refreshed.
The Inner Guide's Creativity
For the problems that teachers face, one aspect of the Inner Guide's capabilities that is especially important is its creativity. And knowing what you need, it will help you not only solve your own personal discomforts but it will also enhance your creativity as you seek to change the system.
If you feel too burdened to think about the system right now, that's not surprising. But when your Inner Guide solves your current personal problems, such as overwhelm and fatigue, you may become interested in contributing to a solution to the systemic problem.
To acquire your own Inner Guide, go here:
And to learn how to do self-hypnosis, use the Emotional Comfort® Tool