Finger Signals
There are three ways to communicate with your Inner Guide. Last time, I described the first way, which was by "inner thought." You may "hear," (in your mind's ear, so to speak) a thought that doesn't seem to be your own thought. It is your Inner Guide, saying something to you by means of a thought. And you can reply, either by speaking out loud, or simply thinking a thought in response.
A "Yes" Finger
The second way to communicate is with finger signals ("ideomotor signaling"). (Many psychologists are familiar with this phenomenon.) While in the self-hypnotic state, you can ask your Inner Guide which finger represents "yes," and you may notice a specific finger rise, or merely tingle. (It may be a finger or a thumb.) That is your "yes" finger.
A "No" Finger
Then ask which finger represents "no," and a different finger (or thumb) will rise or tingle.
An "I Don't Know" Finger
Then ask which finger represents "I don't know," or "I don't want to say" and a third finger may rise or tingle. Sometimes people who get a "yes" and a "no" finger don't immediately get the "I don't know" finger.
Your Inner Guide will use these specific fingers to respond to questions that you ask. I'm sometimes asked whether the specific fingers vary from day to day. They do not. These initial choices will remain the designated fingers.
Is it Too Exciting?
As with "inner thought," which I described last time, about 50% of people who try to establish communication in this way succeed when they first try. And, as with "inner thought," if you don't get any of these responses for a while, it's because the prospect of communication is too exciting, too overwhelming to enter your awareness. You will acquire communication when the novelty wanes sufficiently. Over time, as you enjoy the benefits of self-hypnosis, communication with your Inner Guide will become second nature to you.
What Do I Ask?
The best way to get results in the beginning is to ask simple questions, because if you ask a question that would involve a major change in your life, such as "Should I leave my job?" or "Should I marry him?" the answer might be too overwhelming to enter awareness. Simple questions might be those where you already know the answer, so that you will have practice experiencing the responses, for example "Should I do my grocery shopping today?" or "Should I have pasta for dinner?" Then you could ask some questions about small matters that you might like some advice on. This practice will help you gain confidence in using finger signals and you can then ask anything you want to, knowing that if the answer is too overstimulating, you would have to wait for its novelty to wane before the answer would enter your awareness.
Next time, I'll describe the third way that you can communicate with your Inner Guide.