Review Can be Enlightening
Upon reviewing some musical material that I believed I had mastered several years ago, I discovered a number of concepts that I had forgotten; concepts that would provide a much better understanding of what I'm currently trying to accomplish musically. I also discovered several questions that I want to ask my music teacher; questions about concepts that apparently were so far over my head originally that I hadn't grasped the fact that I would benefit from more explanation of them. I really appreciate this chance for review because being reminded of these concepts is going to help me better understand what I'm working on now.
Perhaps Review Might Help with the Inner Guide, Too
I was asked to provide a video explaining the Inner Guide and self-hypnosis for an author's resource list and as I did, I realized that this video might also be helpful for you. Reviewing these concepts may make it easier to persist with your practice of helping your Inner Guide by doing self-hypnosis regularly. And if any of you have not yet acquired your own Inner Guide, this video will show you how.
You can see it here: https://youtu.be/g6z4NARWWto