One Occupation that is Undervalued is Teaching
In certain other countries, teachers are highly valued, even revered. They are paid accordingly and shown great respect. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the United States. Teachers have been underpaid and overworked for years, and in recent years they even have to buy their classroom supplies with their own money. Over time, they have become responsible for more and more tasks, and subject to more and more criticism. I knew a wonderful teacher who quit and went into another occupation to get away from helicopter parents.
Their paperwork has increased and their autonomy has been compromised by demands that they follow certain prescribed methods and protocols. Those who have remained in the teaching profession do so because of their love of teaching and of their students.
With COVID, Conditions Have Worsened
But now, with the challenges of COVID, many are quitting. They are finding hybrid teaching (simultaneously teaching some students in the classroom and others online) to be unworkable. Some are subject to harassment and even threats from parents who are angry about masking and distancing requirements. And for some teachers, the safety of their families has understandingly come first.
As a result, schools are so short-staffed that some have had to cancel classes or whole school days. Even substitute teachers are in short supply; some districts are hiring people without a bachelor's degree and no training in teaching, and some as young as 18. The deterioration of our schools is cause for all of us to feel alarmed; and for teachers, to feel sadness as well.
But what Can Teachers, Themselves, Do about This?
For themselves and for their profession? If they choose to leave the field, as many obviously are, they lose the occupation they have loved. Some have gone on strike for better conditions, with some success. What else can be done?
The Complimentary Tool Can Help
My complimentary Tool will provide periods of calm and peacefulness. But also, in Step 3, you can wish for a new mental pathway that will be dedicated to helping you find the right solution for your circumstances. And whenever you use the Tool, any other new mental pathways that you have created will be working on the tasks you have assigned them, as well.