It Can Be Hard to Make Beneficial Changes.
Do you ever have trouble getting yourself to commit to a change that you feel might be good to make? Difficulty committing is different than inertia, which is a state of immobility caused by factors that are out of your awareness. And it is different than procrastination, during which you delay beginning or completing a task that seems difficult, boring or otherwise unpleasant. For example, some people who have committed to exercising regularly may find themselves in a state of inertia, blocked from proceeding for a reason they aren't aware of. And some may procrastinate when it involves signing up for a gym membership. But some people have not made the decision to try.
Changes That May Benefit You.
There are changes that you might be aware of but haven't considered making: altering your relationship with a partner or friend, changing jobs, moving, ending an unhelpful habit, becoming politically active, redecorating, recycling, or beginning a new hobby, sport or other leisure pursuit. And some changes that may be beneficial for you may not even have entered awareness.
How Can You Commit to Making Beneficial Changes?
If you realize that you have had thoughts of a change that would benefit you but you haven't committed to it, you can use my complimentary Tool to help. In Step 3, instead of wishing to feel peaceful and calm, you can wish for a mental pathway that will assist you in committing to that change. And if you can't think of any changes that would be beneficial, you can wish for a mental pathway that may help you become aware of positive changes.