There are 7 Reasons (at least) Why Clutter Isn't Good for You!
After living for many years in a large home, I realized that, now living alone, I no longer needed such a large space. I moved to an apartment but, as it couldn't contain everything I wanted to save, I put some things in a self-storage unit. But after quite a few years living in my apartment, I realized that I probably didn't need that self-storage unit either; or at least, not one that large. I have resolved to clear it out or at least to pare down its contents. In doing so, I have been surprised to discover that I have been paying self-storage fees to store things that I didn't even remember I had! I gather that I am not the only one this has happened to.
While doing this, as an intermediate step, I have brought things home so I could decide what to do with them, using the typical three sorting options: save, donate, throw out. And, filled with this stuff, my usually neat apartment is now temporarily not so neat. It is a painful reminder of how lovely it is when things are neat. There are several advantages to having a neat space.
The Obvious Advantages
- When everything has its place, you can find what you need easily.
- You have a space for everything, so you don't have to figure out where to put things.
- You aren't impeded by objects that block your path.
- You are ready for company and you can comfortably have others over without having to clean up for them.
- You enjoy the pleasure of your well-organized, neat space.
The Less Obvious Advantages
- When your space is disorderly, your mind registers that messiness; and these perceptions create mental clutter in your mind, reflecting the clutter on the outside. When things are neat, the absence of this mental clutter contributes to a feeling of peacefulness and calm. It also makes it easier to think clearly.
- You don't have the nagging feeling that you should tidy up. That feeling also contributes to your mental clutter.
Reflecting on all these advantages motivates me to complete this task as quickly as possible, so that I can regain the feeling of peacefulness that I usually feel in my space.
If You Have Trouble with Clutter
Using my Emotional Comfort® Tool will provide you with periods of peacefulness and calm. And, if while you are using it, you think about wanting a neat home, you will find yourself beginning to take steps to achieve that, effortlessly.