You are not lazy.
"Laziness" is a word that is erroneously used critically to describe a state of inertia, which can occur for a number of reasons. For some people it occurs often while others experience it only in relation to certain situations.
Causes of Inertia
If this is a state that occurs habitually, it has probably developed early in life as a maladaptive habit pattern.
But often it occurs only in relation to a particular situation, in which case it will be related to an unpleasant situation from the past. If one knew the true reason for an episode of inertia, it could be overcome. For instance, if you knew that you didn't want to do the dishes because it was a childhood task made unpleasant by a cranky parent, you could separate the past from the present and proceed to do the dishes. Lacking that knowledge, inertia would hinder you.
But what about inertia in the face of an idea that seems unrealistic or overly ambitious? This may actually be exciting, as it may signal that something wonderful is on the way to entering awareness, and that such an idea is indeed feasible. The inertia is simply a brake to prevent a sudden intolerable degree of excitement.
How Can Inertia Be Overcome?
If it is habitual, it will require some form of therapy. But if it is experienced only in specific situations, my complimentary Tool may help. In Step 3, instead of wishing to feel peaceful and calm, you can wish for a new mental pathway dedicated to helping you become aware of the reason for your inertia in that situation. This awareness will occur gradually. And if your inertia is a reaction to a prospect that seems visionary, be patient. It will enter awareness in due time!