What Makes a Situation Boring?
Boredom is the feeling we have when we are understimulated, and understimulation occurs as a result of repetition. We all have certain repetitive tasks that we must deal with: housework, errands, balancing our checkbooks. How can we turn these boring situations into times that we can enjoy?
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
I know some people who simply skip boring tasks. They may leave their beds unmade, neglect to balance their checkbooks or fail to have their cars properly maintained. While an unmade bed may cause only an eyesore, a neglected checkbook may result in overdrafts with their accompanying fees; and a poorly maintained car may leave one stranded at an inconvenient time and location. Some do their chores, but unhappily, enduring the drudgery and sometimes burdening others with their complaints. Or, by manipulation, they may foist some of their chores off onto others.
Tom Sawyer manipulated other boys into whitewashing a fence for him by making it look like fun. And the boys did have fun. Tom felt the satisfaction of escaping the perceived drudgery and acquiring the various items that the boys paid him for the privilege of whitewashing. But he missed experiencing the fun himself!
Better Ways of Coping
During some chores we can daydream, listen to music or chat with others who are present; but when the task requires attention and concentration that may not be wise. At such times we can do a Tom Sawyer on ourselves: we can think of a way to view the task positively. And you can always turn to my Tool for help. In step 3, instead of wishing to feel peaceful and calm, you can wish for a new mental pathway to help you find a way to turn a boring task into an interesting one.