How Do You React?
I am now in the process of becoming a marketer of my discovery, and it isn't easy. One element of my marketing is to provide a webinar that teaches the first step (learning to do self-hypnosis) in the process of learning how to create an Inner Guide and gain all the benefits that it can provide. I created a webinar and attempted to give it, but the presumed audience, which was supposed to appear as a result of Facebook ads, didn't materialize. How can one give a webinar with no attendees? I learned, belatedly, that the person I'd hired to do the Facebook ads was incompetent. If I hadn't had a special mental pathway that I've developed, which I call an Inner Guide, I would have been devastated, but instead I felt a very mild, fleeting sense of disappointment.
So, One Must Try Again
I now have a new person to do Facebook ads, but the way she works is to use the webinar as "Evergreen," meaning that it will play, not at a specific time, but at any time that one registers for it. She explained that people don't want to be tied down to a specific time. And, in fact, a few of the tiny number who did register for the live webinar (none of whom attended) did try to access a "replay" later. (There was no replay for them because there was no webinar!)
And Again
So I am now in the process of creating a webinar with no participants, and I am finding it so technically difficult that, in retrospect, it was perhaps best that my "live" webinar didn't happen. Each time I try, one or another detail is off, so I have to do it again. For instance, a hub that I was using to plug in various necessary connections turned out to be defective; but this didn't become evident until half-way through the webinar. If I'd be doing it live, I would have disappeared right in the middle of it. Each try involves a lot of work. Again, without my Inner Guide, I would have felt angry and depressed after each failed attempt; but instead I felt only a brief, mild, inner groan.
Success without Angst
I'm happy to report that I think I finally have a full recording that I can edit successfully. And despite all the setbacks, I've achieved this without any significant distress. If you would like to have this same advantage, you can learn the first step to achieve it by using my Emotional Comfort® Tool, which will show you how to do self-hypnosis. (And whenever you are in the self-hypnotic state, you are feeling peaceful and calm).