Some Problems Seem Unsolvable
Teachers and Nurses: When you are up against forces that seem much greater than you are, for instance, if you are a nurse who feels at the mercy of an uncaring hospital administration, what are you to do? Unfortunately, many nurses are quitting. They see no way to solve the problems that they are enduring. These problems didn't begin with the coronavirus; they predated it. For example, one nurse described having to run up and down between two floors every time she needed to get supplies; administration wouldn't fix this. It has been reported that administration views nurses as commodities, and when trying to trim costs, cuts staffing levels.
Or if you are a teacher, you may be confronted by parents who don't like the way you grade, or some of the subjects that you teach. And you are so poorly paid that you may have to take a second job (a large proportion of teachers do so). On top of all of this, you may have new, unrealistic demands to change your teaching approach. Unfortunately, many teachers are quitting, as well.
What is Being Done?
Is there something that can be done, short of quitting? Some of you, nurses and teachers, are striking; and by negotiating compromises, are achieving some changes. But the heart of the problem remains unsolved: disregard for your humanity, your expertise and your passion.
What is Needed is a New Paradigm, a New Model
Can you envision what this might be? How this might work? Neither can I, right now. But I know a way for you to augment your creativity so that you will come up with a solution.
The Emotional Comfort® Tool
This Tool, which describes a self-hypnotic technique that will provide moments of calm, peacefulness and relaxation, can be used for other purposes. If you wish for something within your mind, such as a wish to discover a new paradigm that will solve a problem in your profession, that wish will create a new mental pathway that will be dedicated to fulfilling that wish. It will work behind the scenes, silently, to bring the solution into your awareness. However, that pathway can only do its work while you are in the self-hypnotic state. (My book, Emotional Comfort, describes the theory underlying this process.)
The solution of a major wish, such as discovering a new paradigm, takes time, and time in the self-hypnotic state. It is necessary to use self-hypnosis regularly in order two achieve this goal.