We Will All Need to Adapt to Our New Situation
Not only is the pandemic with us now, but it will be, in some form, for the foreseeable future. Hopefully it will diminish with warmer weather, but it isn't expected to abate entirely during the summer. And when fall comes, recurrences are expected. What are the ways in which we can make use of this crisis?
In the last blog, I described how how you can use my complimentary Tool to rid yourself of unwanted habits and replace them with new, better ones. In this one, I will explain how you can also use it to boost your creativity.
Some examples of creative approaches to our current troubles include:
• On the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, Arturo Casasdevall, chair of molecular microbiology and immunology at the School of Public Health, describes a new treatment that is being developed for the coronavirus. Patients who had been recovering from various viruses, such as polio, had developed antibodies to those viruses. Their plasma, called "convalescent plasma," had been transfused into new patients, to help their immune systems. This approach is now being tested for use with the coronavirus.
• The New York Times reports that Irish engineers have created (in seven days!) a prototype for a ventilator that is manufactured using 3-D printers. One of them, Colin Keogh, says that their prototype will be reviewed next week for approval for use with coronavirus patients.
• Arthur Brooks, writing in the Washington Post, reminds us of the value of oxytocin, which is released in the brain when people touch; it raises happiness (and lowers blood pressure and heart rate). With a deficit of oxytocin, people can become depressed. Fortunately, oxytocin is even released when people merely have eye contact with each other (this is true even with one's dog). In this time of necessary social distancing, resorting to social media doesn't help. He suggests scheduling regular times to connect with, and have eye contact with, those we care about using Facebook and Skype.
What Creative Responses Might You Come up with for Yourself?
In the last blog, I explained that a certain kind of stimulus, a complex stimulus, is needed in order to unlock old habit patterns and replace them with new, better ones. This applies also to ideas. A creative thought is a new idea. It comes into being when a complex stimulus interferes with an old idea. My complimentary Tool can enable this process. In Step 3, in addition to wishing to feel peaceful and calm, wish for a new mental pathway that will be dedicated to enhancing your creativity. It will help you adapt to our new circumstances, and it will help you stay safe!