What is Burnout?
The incidence of burnout is rising; in some occupations it is reported that as many as 50% of workers suffer from it. This is not surprising, as working conditions have worsened over time. Burnout is not an official mental disorder but it is characterized by a syndrome that includes chronic exhaustion, symptoms of depression, and increased mental distance from, disillusionment in and cynicism about one's work. It occurs in occupational situations that include high workload, lack of autonomy and either monotonous or chaotic working conditions.
Will This Continue?
In recent times, many individuals have become motivated to change the work culture; teachers. medical professionals and others have gone on strike. And information about income inequality, deterioration of necessary services and global warming has had an impact. The corporate world is beginning to get the message. Chief executives from large companies have recently begun to re-define the purpose of corporations: they should no longer strive only to increase value for shareholders but should also attend to the needs of employees, suppliers, customers and the environment. Hopefully their words will be followed by actions.
In the Meantime, What Can You Do to Help Yourself?
If your situation does not lend itself to creating burnout, nevertheless be aware of its causes and symptoms so that you can protect yourself from future vulnerability. If you feel that you are approaching or even in burnout, you need to take stock of your work situation and decide whether it would be best to leave it. Or, if you love what that job could be if only the working conditions weren't so stressful, you can remind yourself of your purpose and use your creativity to solve or better cope with some of the difficulties. If you feel that you are depressed, you can see a mental health professional. You can try to avoid getting caught up in problematic or unproductive interpersonal situations. And you can use my complimentary Tool to help. In Step 3, you should indeed wish for a new mental pathway that will enable you to feel peaceful and calm. But you can also wish for a pathway that will help you tune out the discomforts.