It's Natural for Possessions to Accumulate.
It's easy to accumulate more than we need because it's actually healthy to try out new things, some of which we rightfully don't follow through with. We may try a new recipe and in so doing acquire certain ingredients, such as spices, that we may never use again if we find that the recipe isn't that good. We may decide to try a new sport in order to get healthful exercise. But the team may break up and we then find ourselves left with unused baseball gloves or lacrosse sticks. And some objects that were useful in the past have become obsolete as new models appear.
Why is Messiness Uncomfortable?
Every item in our home, office, car and any other space that we are responsible for resides not only in that space but also as a mental representation in our mind. Whatever is clutter in our physical environment also clutters our mind. And knowing, even if subliminally, that we should do something about it creates further mental noise.
How Do Some People Cope?
Some people pay for self-storage units that they fill with items which they no longer use but think that they may use again someday. Some pay professional organizers to help them get rid of things they no longer need. One version of this is the Marie Kondo movement, in which we should get rid of anything that doesn't "spark joy" in us. Others do nothing; they live with clutter and try to ignore it.
What Can You Do?
When you wish that your surroundings were neater, you may lack sufficient motivation to organize and tidy up. It may feel too hard. But my complimentary Tool can help. In Step 3, instead of wishing to feel peaceful and calm, you can wish for a way to find organizing fun.