What Can You Do?
When a baby is born, we want to do our best to raise it to be as happy, competent and comfortable as possible. But as it develops, we are often mystified and/or challenged by its behavior and we don’t know what to do.
An Inner Guide Does Know What to Do
An Inner Guide (a special, unique mental pathway that it is possible for you to create in your mind) has access to our entire memory bank. Therefore, it can remember everything that has ever happened to us, and that includes all of our memories of our babies and children. It also has access to all of our subliminal perceptions, so it can detect the feeling states of those around us, including our children.
Helping with Infants
With its memory of the child’s entire history and its subliminal perception it can detect the source of a baby or child’s discomfort. It registers and distinguishes between a baby’s differing expressions of distress. It can determine whether a child is over- or under-stimulated and it knows how to handle those situations.
Helping with Our Children
It can detect when a child is physically ill before symptoms appear and if the relevant information is in our memory bank it can diagnosis the illness as well. If a child develops hyperactivity syndrome, autism, or another mental condition, it can also detect these conditions early; and this is particularly important because early treatment can make a crucial difference in the outcome.
Helping with Our Adolescents
Adolescence is a difficult time for both child and parent. Teen-agers need to break the bonds of dependence on their parents so that they can become independent adults. During this process they swing from one extreme to the other. A parent’s Inner Guide can tell where they are in this process and how to help them with it. And by this time the adolescent is ready to develop an Inner Guide of his or her own.
To Get an Inner Guide
You can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: https://go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse