How Do You Deal with This Kind of Discomfort?
When you don't feel well, regardless of the cause and the symptoms, you are uncomfortable in a variety of ways. Your symptoms may involve pain (sore throat? broken toe?), malaise (aka icky feeling), and inconvenience (cough? impaired gait?). But beyond that, your mind is troubled, too. "How did I get this?" "Could I have prevented it?" "How long will it last?" "How serious is it?"
By Denial?
Some people, in fact many people, try to function normally despite their illness. They go to work, do their usual errands, and may even keep social engagements. They are trying to deny their condition. (If they don't know the source of their discomfort, denial can be dangerous; they should see a doctor, who can diagnose the condition and provide care that, in certain conditions, can be lifesaving.)
With Frustration?
With a busy schedule, you will probably feel frustrated by the limitations you experience when feeling unwell (or injured). That frustration adds to your stress level. And because a feeling of frustration is a form of anger, it may also impair your decision-making.
Your Inner Guide as Diagnostician
Your Inner Guide, due to its ability to register all of your subliminal perceptions, can determine whether you need to call your doctor. If so, you will find yourself moved to do that. If, since acquiring your Inner Guide, you have ever felt moved to Speedread some medical literature, your Inner Guide will have even more information with which to interpret your symptoms' origins.
It can help in other ways, too. It knows which activities might make your symptoms worse and you may feel moved to skip exercise or go to bed earlier than usual. With an injury, it can cause subtle guarding of the injured area.
Your Inner Guide as a Reliever of Your Worries
It can also help with your concerns: "How did I get this?" etc. It can often answer those questions, by means of finger signals, automatic handwriting, or inner thought, thus assuaging your concerns and ending the discomfort that they cause. If you haven't tried to use these methods of communication, try them. You'll be surprised by how much you can learn. And, if you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one, for free, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94