COVID: On-again, Off-again
As we pass through periods of thinking that COVID is subsiding, we are confronted with setbacks: first the delta variant, then the omicron variant. It seems as though the finish line is always moving back. In the face of this, many people are just giving up and dropping the precautions, such as masks and distancing.
Why Are They Doing This?
Some are resigned to getting the very contagious omicron variant. They hear that it is mild or even asymptomatic for the less vulnerable of us, and they would just like to get it over with. Some are fed up with the on-again off-again advice they hear and drop their precautions out of disgust. Some think that the highly contagious omicron variant is creating herd immunity, so we can all stop worrying about it.
What do These Rationales Have in Common?
They are all mental protests against the persistence of COVID, and as such, they are contaminating people's judgment.
Perhaps it is true that one might have a mild case, but on the other hand, one might end up with "long COVID." Many do; percentages from studies vary widely but some report up to 50% percent. It occurs even in some whose COVID cases were asymptomatic. Symptoms include fatigue, anxiety, depression, brain fog, difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing, muscle pain, digestive issues and hair loss. (A relative of mine, who had COVID but didn't need to be hospitalized, developed "long COVID" with extreme fatigue, brain fog and pain in his arm and shoulder.)
Perhaps herd immunity is being created, but it isn't here yet, as many new cases are occurring. And when it does arrive, will it be complete or just to the omicron variant?
Protecting Yourself from Faulty Rationales
My complementary Tool can help. Using it will give you periods of peacefulness and calm; moments when you are free of distress about the virus. And if you wish for help in understanding what to do about it, you may find that your thinking gradually becomes clearer and firmer.