What Can We Do?
Will the Four Horsemen: Global warming, Pandemics, War, and Increasing income inequality (with all of its ramifications) do us in? And is there anything we can do about this? Yes!
Global Warming
Although governments seem to be acting too slowly to prevent (even more) disastrous effects, the creativity of entrepreneurs gives us reason for hope. Electric cars, solar panels and wind turbines will reduce the need for the use of fossil fuels. New no-till agricultural practices will keep carbon sequestered in the soil. A new invention, the atmospheric water generator, will convert moisture in the air into an adequate supply of water for a household.
Although the current pandemic has been more deadly and dramatic than others in the recent past, there is a silver lining. It has served as a wake-up call that can motivate those who are responsible for funding the public health establishment to better prepare for future pandemics.
War and Increasing Income Inequality
They result from greed and anger. Greed can develop in a child as a response to neglect. As an adult, his greed will cause him to wish for, and try to attain, more than his share. Anger is a painful emotion, and chronic or habitual anger tends to develop early in life as a response to events that are perceived as threats. A parent who is overly critical or harsh can evoke ongoing anger in a child.
The Result
People who are preoccupied with acquiring more than they need, or who are burdened by painful emotions, are not only uncomfortable; they are hampered in developing and exercising the creativity that would enable them to improve their lives, and perhaps even solve problems beyond their personal needs.
My course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, will help people eliminate emotions and feelings that originated in the past and that limit them now. The first step in achieving emotional comfort is to learn a new self-hypnotic technique that I have developed. Self-hypnosis is identical with certain forms of meditation which, in fact, you may already do. But my technique has a special tweak that greatly increases its power and usefulness. You can learn the first step in this technique by using the Emotional Comfort® Tool.