What's the Difference?
The two are sometimes confused, but there is an important difference between the two. Mindfulness, sometimes called "mindfulness meditation," involves sustaining your awareness on the contents of your mind in the present moment. Meditation is a technique with which you focus your attention on one thing (such as a word, or your breath) to attain a state of calmness. Meditation has more potential than it is often used for in our day to day lives.
Self-hypnosis is actually identical to meditation (not mindfulness, but meditation.) In a number of my posts, I've been suggesting that you download the Emotional Comfort® Tool so that you can learn how to enter a self-hypnotic state to achieve periods of peacefulness and calm.
Your Inner Guide
In the last four posts, a series entitled "You Can Acquire an Inner Guide," I've given you the information you need to acquire your own Inner Guide, and I've described some of the ways an Inner Guide can be helpful. If you have used that information to acquire your own Inner Guide, congratulations!
If you haven't yet acquired your Inner Guide, and wish to, you can do so by reviewing the last post, which is entitled You Can Acquire an Inner Guide Part 4.
Your Routine
I've also explained that in order for your Inner Guide to help you, you need to establish a routine for doing self-hypnosis, because your Inner Guide needs time in the self-hypnotic state ("trance time") to do its work on your behalf. If you already have a regular routine for meditation (not mindfulness, but meditation) you are all set! Whenever you meditate, your Inner Guide will kick in and work to end your discomforts and solve your problems.
And if you have used the Tool to establish a regular routine for doing self-hypnosis, you, too, are all set!
Otherwise, you will need to establish a routine. The ideal would be once/day, but for many people that isn't feasible. Two or three times per week would be adequate, and I've even had people who achieved good results doing self-hypnosis just once/week. But the more time your Inner Guide has in the "trance" state, the sooner it can end your discomforts and solve your problems.
The wonderful changes that you'll have will take time to occur. But in the meantime, whenever you do self-hypnosis, you will have a period of peacefulness and calm.
If you have questions about this process, please contact me (the button is below).