Why Would I Switch from Being a Clinician to a Businesswoman?
I mentioned recently that I am becoming a novice businesswoman. I am a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and over time I discovered that some of my patients could benefit from hypnosis, and could be taught to do self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is used for many purposes: everything from stopping smoking to providing analgesia for burn patients during their dressing changes. And, of course, to reduce stress.
I discovered, by chance, a modification of self-hypnosis that can provide an array of benefits, and that can result in an ongoing state of emotional comfort; that is, a feeling of well-being, with no anxiety, depression, irritation or anger, guilt, or shame.
Having benefitted from this myself, I taught it to my patients and then to many others in a variety of settings. But when I tried to offer it to organizations, for free, that I knew would benefit from it, there were no takers. Two different public relations experts told me that people don't want something that's free.
To Provide a Needed Service
So with some initial reluctance, I have morphed from a clinician into a businesswoman, and intend to make my living this way now. I have created a three-month online video course: Achieving Emotional Comfort: The Foundational Course, which I will sell. Why "The Foundational Course?" I had actually planned to create a year-long course with short weekly lessons, but by the time I had written and video-ed Lesson 48 (out of 52) I realized that it was taking way too long. People need help right now, and maybe they wouldn't want such a long course anyway. The Foundational Course, the first quarter of the year-long course (the first thirteen weeks) does provide the basic foundation. (Further sections cover the theory that explains the technique, a new understanding of child development, and other subjects.)
What if One Knows Nothing about Marketing?
Knowing nothing about marketing, I took several marketing courses; one in particular, Jeff Walker's "Product Launch Formula," has been particularly helpful. And one of his senior colleagues, Don Crowther, offered a wonderful course on doing webinars, which I also took. (Having met Don, I can attest that he is a lovely, sweet person.) And my "launch," as they call a sales offer, is now imminent. This initial "offer" is specifically for nurses, one of the most deserving groups and one in great need of this kind of relief. I'm doing it as a webinar on Zoom, in which I will teach the first step of the process: learning how to enter the self-hypnotic state.
How on Earth Have I Been Able to Do All This?
And how have I gone from being apprehensive about doing a webinar to looking forward to it? By being the beneficiary of the new technique. In freeing one from uncomfortable emotions, it also thereby increases one's energy, creativity, and initiative.
My current dilemma involves a tech aspect of the webinar; namely, whether to do it as a script, or more informally, from an outline. There are pros and cons to either approach. But I know that, with the benefit of my new technique, I will figure this out.
My "launch" is in less than two weeks. Wish me luck!