Isn't Being Irritated Inevitable?

In recent posts I've described how you can create an Inner Guide, a new mental pathway in your mind, that can lessen and eventually eliminate feelings of stress, and uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, depression and irritation or anger. What about irritation, specifically? What kinds of things irritate you?


  • A driver ahead of you is going very slowly and you aren't able to pass.
  • Your internet connection slows down.
  • People are talking loudly on their cellphones in a situation where you can't get away from them.
  • You have to wait in a long line.
  • You're in a hurry and you can't find your keys.
  • You hear a car alarm that goes on and on.
  • You have to deal with a long menu when calling a business.
  • You have a meeting with someone and they are late.

Perhaps you feel irritated just reading this list and being reminded of some of these things that have happened to you!

How Do We Develop These Responses?

It probably seems like a no-brainer. Isn't it natural to feel irritated by these things? Anger is a component of a response to an attack. An irritating stimulus, such as a car alarm, is a mini-attack and our irritation is a mini-response to that attack. Because it is biologically determined, it seems inevitable.

How Can an Inner Guide Help?

An Inner Guide is able to block the feeling of irritation and substitute a feeling of calm. Once you get your Inner Guide, it doesn't immediately stop all irritation; it takes some time. But gradually, you will find that nothing irritates you anymore. Not only do you remain calm, you also feel the satisfaction of knowing that you don't have to become irritated.

Although irritations are minor annoyances, they increase your overall stress level. If you would like to eliminate your stress and solve other discomforts, such as irritation, you can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at:

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